Wessex Transport Training Services

More details of some of the vehicle training services we offer:

  • Minibus driver training

Wessex Transport Training carry out PCV Driver assessment and training, as well as PCV Practical Tests and Theory Tests.

  • Carriage of dangerous goods ADR courses

Courses to qualify under the "International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Act" are held on a regular basis at this centre. All Drivers will have to pass the Basic Core subject, and either a Packages or Tankers Module, plus whatever classes they wish to carry.

Classes Include:

  • Explosives
  • Gases (Butane, Propane, Acetylene etc)
  • Flammable liquids (Petrol, Kerosene, Solvents etc)
  • Flammable solids (Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sodium etc)
  • Oxidising substances (Ammonium, Nitrate, Fertilizers etc)
  • Toxic and infectious substances (Cyanide, Lead Compounds)
  • Corrosives eg Sulphuric & Nitric Acids etc
  • Misc substances (Asbestos, Pcb's etc)
  • Other courses include Tanker (1 ½ days), Explosives (1 Day)
  • Explosives and exam fees will need to paid for in advance

Company & Private Individual Forklift Operator Training

Note: We only conduct forklift training at the customers premises.

Basic Novice Training (no previous operating experience): 3 to 5 days.

Basic Training (with experience but no formal training): 2 to 3 days

Conversion Training (certificated operators to add other lift truck types): 1 to 2 days.

Refresher Training (certificated operators only to update present certification): 1 day.

Fork Lift Training

We also hold Transport Manager Refresher Courses and Road Haulage seminars. Wessex Vehicle Training also provide courses for the Certificate of Professional Competence Transport Manager Road Haulage.

Car & Trailer
DSA Approved