Wessex Transport Training Services
More details of some of the vehicle training services we offer:
- Minibus driver training
Wessex Transport Training carry out PCV Driver assessment and training, as well as PCV Practical Tests and Theory Tests.
- Carriage of dangerous goods ADR courses
Courses to qualify under the "International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Act" are held on a regular basis at this centre. All Drivers will have to pass the Basic Core subject, and either a Packages or Tankers Module, plus whatever classes they wish to carry.
Classes Include:
- Explosives
- Gases (Butane, Propane, Acetylene etc)
- Flammable liquids (Petrol, Kerosene, Solvents etc)
- Flammable solids (Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sodium etc)
- Oxidising substances (Ammonium, Nitrate, Fertilizers etc)
- Toxic and infectious substances (Cyanide, Lead Compounds)
- Corrosives eg Sulphuric & Nitric Acids etc
- Misc substances (Asbestos, Pcb's etc)
- Other courses include Tanker (1 ½ days), Explosives (1 Day)
- Explosives and exam fees will need to paid for in advance
Company & Private Individual Forklift Operator Training
Note: We only conduct forklift training at the customers premises.
Basic Novice Training (no previous operating experience): 3 to 5 days.
Basic Training (with experience but no formal training): 2 to 3 days
Conversion Training (certificated operators to add other lift truck types): 1 to 2 days.
Refresher Training (certificated operators only to update present certification): 1 day.

We also hold Transport Manager Refresher Courses and Road Haulage seminars. Wessex Vehicle Training also provide courses for the Certificate of Professional Competence Transport Manager Road Haulage.