Wessex Transport Training Courses

LGV Heavy Goods PCV Coach / Bus

1st Step:

Provisional Entitlement

Class C (LGV)

Class D for bus/coach

2nd Step:

Once provisional licence obtained

Take & pass the Theory Hazard Perception & initial driver cpc Mod2

3rd Step:

Practical Training and Test Plus practical initial driver cpc Mod 4

4th Step:

Standard 5 day course, 5 hours per day, both for Rigid (Class C) and Artic or Drawbar (C+E)

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National and International Transport Manager - Classroom 7 Days or Home Study, or Home Study with 4 Days Classroom

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Other Courses

Course details & prices available on application

Credit terms also available with some courses

Discount available for block bookings

If you have specific requirements, call, we may be able to help

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ADR (Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)

Standard Course

4 days - Core packages 2,3,4,5,6,8 & 9. Exams on day 4.

Add ons - Tanker Module (1 1/2 days), Explosives (1 day)

Drivers CPC Initial 21 Hours

Refresher 21 Hours

An ADR vocational certificate is required by any driver carrying "in Scope" Dangerous Goods regardless of the gross weight of the carrying vehicle and is valid for five years.

In order to obtain your ADR licence you must attain the following minimum course. CORE/PACKAGES or TANKER plus one hazard class. Unless the class is explosives only, then you need the Core module.

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7 1/2 Tonne Vehicle Training

Theory and Hazard Perception Tests to taken and passed before proceeding to Practical.

Standard Course 3 days

Total 18 Hours

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Theory and Hazard Perception and initial driver cpc Mod 2 (Computer based) must be taken and Passed before practical training.

Standard Course. 3 days (0845 - 1430)

Practical 5 day course C1 and minibus

Practical test plus practical initial driver cpc Mod 4

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We also hold Transport Manager Refresher Courses and Road Haulage seminars. Wessex Vehicle Training also provide courses for the Certificate of Professional Competence Transport Manager Road Haulage.

Car & Trailer
DSA Approved