Wessex Transport Training

Wessex Transport Training are specialists in Vehicle Training Courses and practical driver training on all groups of vehicles.
We also have our own off road manoeuvring facility based in Dorset.

Several of our courses are classroom based. These consist of Driver CPC (Periodic Training 35 Hours) mainly 7 hour sessions, also Initial Driver CPC (Fastrack) Module 4 taken by experienced and novice drivers.

Transport Manager CPC National and International Home Study with classroom four or seven days Transport Manager Refresher Training one or two days, Compliance Training Courses, and Operator Licence Awareness Training.

Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) a Standard course which is four days Core Packages and all classes except Explosives and Radioactive optional courses Explosives and Tanker. Dangerous Goods Awareness Training.

our nice bright classroom Our nice bright training room

LGV - PCV - DVSA SQA and Education Skills Group - Car and Trailer Familiarisation Training (4 Hours) includes reversing uncouple couple up an road driving - DSA Approved

Other practical training courses with classroom time ...

Forklift and mobile elevated working platform course (all types). Courses for both novice and refresher transport training sessions are held on customers premises only.

Our Training Vehicles

One of our training lorriesManual Gearbox

Carrying Hazardous Materials - Haulage Automatic gearbox

Car and trailer driving course Car & trailer - Manual gearbox